Call for papers


The Revista de Historia Universal receives proposals for publication throughout the year to the email:

The reception of articles for its next issues is open.

Preliminarily, the works are evaluated by the Editorial Committee in order to determine if the topic adjusts to the thematic and methodological interests declared by the journal. When this first evaluation is positive, two national and/or foreign referees or referents, specialists in the field corresponding to its content, are chosen to evaluate the quality of the contribution. For the selection of the evaluators, the research area corresponding to the content and the institutional affiliation will be taken into account in order to guarantee the competence, impartiality and objectivity of the verdict.

The editorial process, from the submission of the manuscript to its acceptance for publication, is carried out through the editorial manager OJS (Open Journal System). Authors must upload their papers to the journal's website and from there they will be able to follow each stage of the editorial process.

All articles submitted for publication must be original and unpublished, may have a maximum of two co-authors, and must not be simultaneously submitted to other journals or editorial bodies. The contribution must follow the General Guidelines for Authors and the Rules for Citations and References. The referee is anonymous and external. To ensure anonymity, two copies must be sent. One with the author's data. The other without any data that identifies the author, which is essential as a guarantee of transparency and objectivity. Therefore, the anonymous copy should not state the author. In turn, thank you notes and references to research projects or presentations at academic meetings should not be included in the anonymous copy intended for evaluators.