Theatrical practices and Specific Language Disorders (SLD): new forms of teaching for inclusion. The case of the A-lafken College
Inclusion, SDL, Pedagogical innovation, Linguistic skillsAbstract
Children with learning difficulties and/or disabilities are social actors who manage to intervene in the world when their differences are valued and respected, thus allowing them to participate as well as people without disabilities. From the point of view of the social model of the disability, it is necessary to contemplate the equal fulfillment of the Human Rights, with the intention of eliminating the social and educational barriers. Consequently, it is essential that educational establishments look for alternatives to eradicate barriers that could affect the integral development of the human being. In the case of Chile, one of the most prevalent learning difficulties is Specific Language Disorder (SLD). However, there are still difficulties in terms of methodological strategies for its psycho-pedagogical intervention. For this reason, this research aimed to investigate theatrical practices, as a learning strategy within the subject of language and communication, in order to reveal whether this type of strategy could reduce the difficulties associated with SDL. The approach of the research was of a qualitative type under a case study design, with students of the first basic year, from the A-lafken School in the district of Penco (Concepción, Chile). The findings demonstrate unexplored potential in theatrical practices as a type of methodological strategy that allows students with SLD to develop language skills.
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