Deleuzian ontology: collective subject, state and school
Ontology, Deleuze, Subject, SchoolAbstract
We understand that any ontological conception of the subject has implications in the way we understand the political and, therefore, in the way we conceive of the school. We start from the assumption that the school has ceased to be a disciplinary institution, due to the loss of legitimacy of the Subject / Nation-State that once supported it; For this reason, the problem that the school demands of us today is how to think, from an affirmative ontology, a concept of subject from which to conceive the school as a space of creation irreducible to the logic of the market. In this sense, we believe it is pertinent to reconstruct certain aspects of Deleuzian ontology in order to show conceptual elements that function as the foundation of a political subject and a pluralistic State in which school and school practices can be inscribed, as parts of a whole that exceeds it. Only in this way, as part of a shared tropes, will the school be an active agent, capable of resisting the onslaught of the capitalist market.
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