Deep Blue as metamorphic writing and re-writing of polyrhythmicities

A philosophical performance as a radical counter-pedagogy to the academy-form


  • Sebastian Wiedemann Unicamp - Universidad de Campinas


Deleuze, Radical pedagogy, Philosophical performance, Rhythm, Re-writing


There are many possible connections between Deleuze's thinking and the field of education. And even more so if we assimilate the dimension of learning as an implication and complication inherent to the exercise of thinking, such as the invention of non given relations between heterogeneous entities. That is to say, if there is thought, there is not only movement, but above all, an immanent apprehension-learning that is doubly expression. This is how we could speak with Deleuze of "thinking through the middle" as a radical pedagogy in the act. The text that follows was composed as a philosophical performance, not only as a gesture of radical pedagogy seeking to establish itself as a plane of experience in becoming for thought, but essentially as counter-pedagogy in act before the academy-form. Halfway between delirium as methodology and speculative fabulation as a creative force, which I have named "Deep Blue", the text, in the form of an immanent critique, proposes to experiment with other ways of inhabiting the academic economy and ecology as an expressive gesture and one of re-existence. 


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How to Cite

Wiedemann, S. (2020). Deep Blue as metamorphic writing and re-writing of polyrhythmicities: A philosophical performance as a radical counter-pedagogy to the academy-form. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 5(1), 1–11. Retrieved from