Teaching and learning in times of pandemic: present and horizons
Didactic creation, Virtuality, Gamification, Diversity and InclusionAbstract
The following essay presents a critical reflection about the place of technologies in teaching and learning practices in the context of COVID-19. It involves a personal and interpretive approach, not exhaustive, that addresses how institutions, educational practices and teachers have been challenged in this complex and highly uncertain context. It recovers some visions that have been circulating through the networks of critical thinkers of recognized trajectory to help us reflect on this exceptional context. It proposes some horizons of possibility that may offer clues for the critical revision of teaching; of the place of technologies and the construction of knowledge in contemporary digital settings. It raises tensions, questions and some certainties to imagine some didactic transformations for the coming years that imply conditions of inclusion in all expressions (political, cultural, epistemological, cognitive, emotional).
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