Virtuality of the film image and the world as a possibility. Educational-pedagogical performance of cinema from a phenomenological analysis
Cinema, Virtuality, Phenomenology, Education, PossibilityAbstract
Emilio Lledó said that the essence of education is "to show the world as a possibility". To go deeper into this statement from a phenomenological analysis of the virtuality of the film image is what we propose in our work.
A philosophical approach to cinema reveals virtuality, understood phenomenologically and as an ontological feature of the film image, as its capacity to gain a space of neutrality (E. Husserl) in which the image itself is freed from commitments to the factual reality of the world. That is to say, the image of the cinema harbours the capacity to, far from presenting the world to us as it is in fact, to show us the world through the prism of possibility.
These analyses will lead us to a double approach to cinema and its educational-pedagogical performance. On the one hand, we will show how the cinema is capable of bringing us closer to certain truths which, as possibilities of existence (Kundera), appeal to us universally. On the other hand, the filmic image will be shown to de-limit the margins of the world, launching us to think of the "world as a possibility" and, thus, to consider a creative, liberating and hospitable education based on film.
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