Tess, between drama and violence

Interpretation of a Becoming Woman in the Victorian Century


  • Liliana Guzmán Universidad Nacional de San Luis


Innocence, Violence, Truth, Interpretation, Polanski


In this text, I approach a reading of the film Tess, made by Roman Polanski in 1979, as a trace of traces that describe, not without a certain critical realism, the game of truths about a woman in agricultural England of the Victorian century, in its second half. A reality that perhaps still is ours today, as children of modernity in its decline and as women challenged and subjectified in a bundle of relationships and possibilities that highlight and dispute the truths about themselves, in an ontological view of our present.


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Author Biography

Liliana Guzmán, Universidad Nacional de San Luis

Dra. en Pedagogía por la Universitat de Barcelona  Prof. Adjunto Filosofía - Dir. ProiCo CYT "Hermenéutica y Subjetividad" Universidad Nacional de San Luis


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Cavell, S. (2003) El cine, ¿puede hacernos mejores? Edit. Katz.

Foucault, M. (2016) El origen de la hermenéutica de sí. Siglo XXI.

Jullier, L.–Leveratto J. (2012) Cinéfilos y cinefilias. La Marca.

Platón, (1992) Diálogos VI, Filebo, Timeo, Critias. trad. M. A. Durán y F. Lisi. Editorial Gredos.

Polanski, R. (2018) Memorias. Ediciones Malpaso.

Sontag, S. (2006) Sobre la fotografía. Editorial Alfaguara.

Sontag, S. (2012) Contra la interpretación. Random House Mondadori.



How to Cite

Guzmán, L. (2020). Tess, between drama and violence: Interpretation of a Becoming Woman in the Victorian Century. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 5(2), 1–13. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/saberesypracticas/article/view/4214