Bejamin's flâneur as a skeumorphism of today's hacker


  • Helena Maldonado Goti Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Flâneur, skeumorphism, hacker, Internet, shock


This article brings back the potentiality of one of Walter Benjamin´s main figures: the flâneur, one of the main characters in Charles Baudelaire´s poetry, through the light of the effects that some of the mayor advancements in technology have caused in today´s cities. It analyzes some of the main paths that authors such as Steven Shaviro, Manuel Castells and Katherine Hayles have explored around the development of Internet and Artificial Intelligence. It does so, in order to actualize some of Benjamin´s concerns, as well as some of his productions in order to think strategies and/or tools so we can wake up, such as it is thought by Benjamin.


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How to Cite

Maldonado Goti, H. (2023). Bejamin’s flâneur as a skeumorphism of today’s hacker. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 8(1), 1–13.