Articulation between Algebra and Financial Mathematics: educational intervention in entrants to the Public Accountant career.


  • Rosana Mabel Mendoza Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales. Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata. Sede Posadas. Argentina
  • Andrea Cristina Seidel Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales. Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata. Sede Posadas. Argentina


Education, Educational Research, Vertical Articulation


The teaching-learning process is defined as a dynamic construction that can be subjected to permanent feedback and modification of strategies, to capture rearticulations, giving place to educational research-action. The challenge of meaningful learning for all the actors in the aforementioned process promotes the emergence of a research query: is it feasible that curricular spaces can be vertically articulated in a university-level context, in the Public Accountant Career at the University of Cuenca del Plata, at its Posadas
From the spaces of Algebra and Financial Mathematics, the teachers try to deliberately generate a spiral path of approximate successive approaches, to address the lack in establishing relationships between the concepts and methodology of Algebra, when solving situations in context.
This article describes qualitative research accompanied by non-modeled, nonexperimental and longitudinal quantifications, which involve stages of exchange, reflection, register and evaluation of the joint. The university chair strategy is employed , and the administration of surveys to the students of the 2018 and 2019 cohorts of Algebra, in order to have feedback to the intervention, which promotes readjustments for future proactive actions in the previously defined curricular space.
The choice of the guest-to-chair device gives place to an approach to the training of the future accountant sustained in a living, dynamic curriculum that responds
to the constructivist pedagogical model.
The critical look at the results of the surveys gave place to three main axes of discussion for teachers: the analysis of the pedagogical proposal itself, the relationship of algebra with the pedagogical proposal, and finally the suggestions of the subjects surveyed.
As a corollary, it can be confirmed, from the analysis of the results, that the answers of the questions raised had been achieved, since it was possible to establish a vertical articulation characterized by increased motivation for reflective actions before, during and after the interventions, which were generally perceived by the respondents as positive and conducive to projecting themselves as a student of the professionalization cycle.


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How to Cite

Mendoza, R. M., & Seidel, A. C. (2020). Articulation between Algebra and Financial Mathematics: educational intervention in entrants to the Public Accountant career. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 1(1), 241–264. Retrieved from


