Novohispanos playingcards: two-facedqualities in uses and circulation.

Exchanges and artisticproceedings in thecirculationofcards and games in the colonial era


  • Luciano Pozo autor


Playingcardsfrom New Spain - uses and circulationofimages - ludic and symbolic


This paper investigates the double-sided qualities of the uses and circulations of New Spanish playing cards in the American colonies. The notion of double-faced qualities refers to the fact that the images and motifs depended on their uses and the spaces in which the cards were used. The exchange between the Spanish crown and the colonies enabled the development of various ludic practices and images of symbolic uses in the colonial space. The existence of some types of decks manufactured in colonial territories with their own characteristics encourages us to analyze the possible inheritances and hybridizations that could have taken place given the circulation of these objects on a very daily basis.


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How to Cite

Pozo, L. (2022). Novohispanos playingcards: two-facedqualities in uses and circulation. : Exchanges and artisticproceedings in thecirculationofcards and games in the colonial era. Cuadernos De Historia Del Arte, (39), 209–226. Retrieved from


