Enfoque y alcance
Art History Notebooks is a digital scientific journal with free access,Cuadernos de Historia del Arte (CHA) is a digital scientific journal with free access, with referato and biannual periodicity (2 issues per year, January-June and July-December) carried out by the Editorial Committee of the Institute of Art History of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National University of Cuyo. Items will be received all year. The CHA publish unpublished and original works in Spanish and other languages "‹"‹as long as the proposals are in the author's mother tongue. In addition, the summaries of the publications will be translated into English, Portuguese, French and Russian. The CHA address issues of art history and regional, national and international culture, with a special emphasis on the issues and tensions proposed by Latin American and Latin American art approaches.
The themes they contain address the relationships between artistic production and the various cultural, social, political and economic contexts. It is a publication that is open to different disciplines that address art and culture as an object of study from critical theoretical and methodological perspectives that foster an enriching debate in the scientific field.
The Notebooks of Art History do not have any type of financing and is sustained through the collaborative work of the Members of the Institute of Art History of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National University of Cuyo