Communicative and participatory school family relationship.

Proposal from participatory action research.


  • Belkis Rojas Hernández Institute for Advances Social Research (I-Communitas). Universidad Pública de Navarra, España.


School-family relationship, methodological strategy, participatory research action, communication, pesquisa-ação participativa, participação, comunicação


Different perspectives and ways of directioning educational programs oriented towards the school-society relations have gained space in school work. Developed from the science of education, the diverse programs assume the school-family relationship with holistic, multilateral, and multidisciplinary approaches. This work shows the outcome obtained from the implementation of a methodological strategy aimed at strengthening to improve the school-family relationship in the Cuban educational system, specifically in the upper secondary education level during the years 2010 to 2014 in the province of Pinar del Rio, Cuba.
The participatory action research constitutes the theoretical and methodological basis of the strategy proposed. The main positive aspects achieved with the implementation of the strategy were the increase in the level of participation of the subjects in the school, from their decisive involvement in the identification of problems and capabilities as well as in the participatory diagnosis, the conception and execution of the actions designed and implemented according to the problems that occurred both in the school and in the families of the subjects of the research. It was identified that students promoted reflection and critical thinking around issues of global relevance, such as the themes of preservation of culture and care for the environment.


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How to Cite

Rojas Hernández, B. (2020). Communicative and participatory school family relationship.: Proposal from participatory action research. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 1(1), 137–167. Retrieved from


