Theoretical and methodological intimacies during the process of becoming and authoring myself as a narrative inquirer




intimate scholarship, narrative methodologies, inquirer becoming, authorship


This paper explores my becoming as a narrative inquirer in higher education. It offers an intimate look into the theoretical and methodological forms by which my research group at the School of Humanities in Mar del Plata National University has gathered its professors’ and students’ stories to analyze, among other topics, representations of curriculum; good teaching practices, memorable professors, and student teachers’ identities and experiences. During this becoming as inquirer, we have identified the following stations where we have met different methodologies that are as narrative as they are intimate, i.e. research of narratives; research with narratives; biographical-narrative research; narrative inquiry; poetic inquiry; autoethnography; and visual narrative inquiry. We examine the methodological and theoretical links between what we inquire into; how we do and re-present this; and who we become amid theoretical contents and methodological forms. By means of our work, we hope to continue our conversation with the larger narrative universe we find in higher education.


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How to Cite

Sarasa, M. C. (2023). Theoretical and methodological intimacies during the process of becoming and authoring myself as a narrative inquirer . Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 7(2), 1–17.