For a new ecosophical-aesthetic pedagogy
Micropolitics, education and sensitive subjectivities in the IWC
Guattari, Pedagogy, Philosophy of Education, Ecology, AestheticAbstract
In the present work we try to carry out a reflective philosophical exercise of Félix Guattari's notion of ecosophy, from an intersection with aesthetics, micropolitics and education. Expanding the conceptual results of a research work carried out on ecology and biopolitics in education, we are interested in problematizing the microphysical plots with which Integrated World Capitalism manages the affections and produces the sensitive subjectivities that today inhabit educational institutions. With this, we intend to think about the possible practices of freedom or molecular revolutions, with which to inhabit the pedagogical and vital spaces, in the midst of an advanced thematic intensification of emotions in educational agendas. Finally, as a last instance, we want to think about education from the interaction of the three ecologies, mental, social and cosmological, delineating a possible horizon to deploy the imaginary of an ecosophical-aesthetic practice in pedagogical activities.
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