The relationship with knowledge in high school from narratives of students of Educational Sciences degrees
narratives, relationship with knowledge, high schoolAbstract
This article discloses an education experience based on the use of narratives that allowed us to reconsider the relationship with knowledge in high school, content of the subject Problemática Pedagógico-Didáctica I. This subject is taken in the fourth year of the Teacher Education and Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences at a National University, located in a central region of Argentina.
Narratives are a pedagogical device that enables students to reflect on themselves and their educational trajectories. It also allowed us to focus on some conceptual elements regarding certain characteristics of teaching and the relationships that are generated with knowledge in high schools. The research was carried out in the context of the covid-19 pandemic.
In the development of the article we present in the first place the value of working with narratives in teacher education. Then, in second place, the ways in which the relationship with knowledge is conceived. Finally, some emerging aspects form the voice of the students that allow shaping the idea of the existence of diverse relationships with knowledge in their trajectory through high school, affected by subjective, relational and pedagogical-didactic factors.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Liliana Marisol Martin, Mariano Daniel Perez, Yanina Mariela Tulián
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