Analysis of teaching practice using the Interconnected Model of Teacher Professional Growth. A case study during initial training.

Un estudio de caso durante la formación inicial


  • Guillermo Cutrera Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
  • Marta Massa Universidad Nacional de Rosario
  • Silvia Stipcich Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires


Initial teacher training, interconnected model of teacher professional growth, teaching residence, school scientific explanations


In this qualitative study we recover and contextualize the Interconnected Model of professional teaching development (IMTPG) in the curricular space of the Teaching Residence. Our aim is to analyze how a future chemistry teacher questions aspects of her professional knowledge, revising her teaching practices in the classroom while teaching the construction of scholar scientific explanations.
The analysis was centered on the transcriptions of audio registers of her participation in an instance of socialization with peers and on her reflections in her class diary. We describe her learnings in terms of changes between four domains: Personal, External, of Practice and Consequences, and mediations (reflection, application) during her participation in the socialization instance (athenaeum) and
elaboration of the class diary.

The contents gathered through those instruments have been analysed, developing a system of categories, based on the domains and mediations proposed by the IMTPG, identifying the didactic problems recognised by the trainee. We also distinguished what types of relationships between domains were privileged with each device used. The results that we show in this article constitute progress of a
broader analysis centered on studying the professional development of the resident, considering the set of classes that delimit the didactic sequence referred to work with school scientific explanations and gaseous transformations in secondary education. These results exemplify how the IMTPG model is used in a
training context which has been scarcely investigated within this particular line of research, such as the one represented by the initial teacher training and especially
during Teaching Residency. We show how the model makes visible the reflective stages of a future teacher. In addition, we demonstrated how the devices were explored in order to promote reflective processes from the potentials offered, in order to facilitate the relationships across Domains. Finally we discuss possibilities and limitations of the study presented.


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How to Cite

Cutrera, G., Massa, M., & Stipcich, S. (2021). Analysis of teaching practice using the Interconnected Model of Teacher Professional Growth. A case study during initial training.: Un estudio de caso durante la formación inicial. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(2), 59–94. Retrieved from